1994, Installation view, Sue Spaid Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA.

6' x 6', Fabric, gold leaf, wire, Plexiglas, drinking water glasses, colored water, mirrors, lame, light

close up

5' x 4', vinyl, paint, wire, beads, water, glass, revolving lights, extension cord, aquarium oxygenator.

close up installation view

15' x 4', plastic tubing, hose, wire, beads, water, glitter, buckets, pumps, stir, breathing timer

12” x 48” x12”, Fan, breathing timer, paint, wire shopping bag from Bali

22' x 4' x 4', Lame fabric, foam, wire, tinsel, stuffed animals, broom, plastic gallon water jug, plaster.

4' x 12'. Wooden shoes, sand, glitter, mirrors, hobby grass, plants, dirt

The Victoria Room, 1995, San Francisco, Installation View

30’ x 4’, plastic tubing, hose, wire, beads, water, glitter, buckets, pumps, stir, breathing timer

22’ x 4’ x 4’, Lame fabric, foam, wire, tinsel, stuffed animals, broom, plastic gallon water jug, plaster.

close up

1994, Installation view, Sue Spaid Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA.
6' x 6', Fabric, gold leaf, wire, Plexiglas, drinking water glasses, colored water, mirrors, lame, light
close up
5' x 4', vinyl, paint, wire, beads, water, glass, revolving lights, extension cord, aquarium oxygenator.
close up installation view
15' x 4', plastic tubing, hose, wire, beads, water, glitter, buckets, pumps, stir, breathing timer
12” x 48” x12”, Fan, breathing timer, paint, wire shopping bag from Bali
22' x 4' x 4', Lame fabric, foam, wire, tinsel, stuffed animals, broom, plastic gallon water jug, plaster.
4' x 12'. Wooden shoes, sand, glitter, mirrors, hobby grass, plants, dirt
The Victoria Room, 1995, San Francisco, Installation View
30’ x 4’, plastic tubing, hose, wire, beads, water, glitter, buckets, pumps, stir, breathing timer
22’ x 4’ x 4’, Lame fabric, foam, wire, tinsel, stuffed animals, broom, plastic gallon water jug, plaster.
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