Installation shot

1994, 60” x 38” x 30”, tubing, foil, tassel, wire, plastic, Styrofoam, plant hangers, lead fishing weights

8’ x 2’, Styrofoam, wire, lame fabric, wood, glitter, tubing, hobby store trees, Styrofoam, broom holder

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9’ x 4’ x 5’, Disoriented with Gold Lame, Garden hose, wire, tubing, plastic bag, lame fabric, water, die

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15' x 5' x 3', Wire, hangers, styrofaom, lame fabric, bead, wood

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Installation shot
1994, 60” x 38” x 30”, tubing, foil, tassel, wire, plastic, Styrofoam, plant hangers, lead fishing weights
8’ x 2’, Styrofoam, wire, lame fabric, wood, glitter, tubing, hobby store trees, Styrofoam, broom holder
close up
9’ x 4’ x 5’, Disoriented with Gold Lame, Garden hose, wire, tubing, plastic bag, lame fabric, water, die
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15' x 5' x 3', Wire, hangers, styrofaom, lame fabric, bead, wood
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